Trezor® Hardware® - Wallet | Getting Started with Trezor

Trezor hardware wallets offer unparalleled security and ease of use, making them the top choice for crypto enthusiasts looking to safeguard their digital assets. By following …

Trezor Model One

  • Original Hardware Wallet: The Trezor Model One is the world’s first hardware wallet for offline coin security, providing complete confidence in handling cryptocurrency.

  • Security Features: It includes a PIN up to 50 digits and a passphrase for enhanced security.

  • Design and Build: The device features a durable casing made from a PC/ABS engineering thermoplastic blend, designed for long-lasting durability. The button construction is engineered to withstand over 200,000 clicks, and the OLED screen delivers stunning visuals with deep blacks.

Trezor Model T

  • Advanced Hardware Wallet: The Trezor Model T features a touchscreen interface for easy verification and approval of all operations.

  • Security and Backup: It supports Shamir Backup (SLIP39) for enhanced security and includes a recovery seed for easy backup and recovery.

  • Design and Build: The device is designed for ease of use and includes a durable casing and a touchscreen interface.

Key Features

  • Open Source: Trezor hardware wallets are open-source, allowing for community involvement and verification of the codebase.

  • Industry Standards: Trezor has pioneered several key crypto innovations, including BIP39 and BIP44.

  • Support for Multiple Coins: Trezor hardware wallets support over 8000 coins and tokens, both natively in Trezor Suite and through third-party tools.

Additional Information

  • Certifications: All Trezor devices are CE and RoHS certified, meeting quality, reliability, and environmental standards.

  • X-ray Safe and Air Travel: Trezor devices are X-ray safe and suitable for air travel.

  • Customer Support: Trezor offers customer support through various channels, including online sessions with experts.


Trezor hardware wallets are known for their robust security features, ease of use, and compatibility with a wide range of cryptocurrencies. They are a popular choice among cryptocurrency users seeking secure storage and management solutions. Trezor has been audited by independent security researchers and verified by its track record throughout its years on the market, making it a trusted brand in the industry.

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